Asia is the continent most of the world's largest. The area accounts for about 1 / 3 whole ground. Here is the highest point (Mount Everest) and lowest (the Dead Sea) the surface of the continent. The largest and deepest lake world (the Caspian and Baikal), also located in Asia. Asia has 7 of the 12 largest rivers on Earth.
Average mountain plateau and up 3 / 4 area of the continent (known as Asia is the continent seems not quite right) A huge mountain belts run through from west to east, from Asia to lobby the Malay Islands, Monday from Pamia belt and Tian Shan to Chukotka. The region's largest low - located in Western Siberia and the western part of Turan Asia. Other regions (Mesopotamia, India - Ganges and China) deserve attention not because of its size, it also includes a role in the development history of civilized mankind .Asia divided into six regions, distinguished by natural conditions and features historical development of East Asia (China, Mongolia, Korea), Southeast Asia (Indochina), Asia (India and neighboring countries). Southwest Asia (Near East, most countries), the Asian part of Russia (Siberia) and Central Asia (Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union) .
East Asia is part of the world population, live here more than 60% of the population of the planet. Password highest population in the south and east of the continent. In China and India focused than 1 / 3 of the population of Earth. Several thousand years BC the first civilizations were born in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys, India, the Yellow River, on the mountains of Asia corridor.Here was born the world's faiths: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. Asia has been subject to repeated invasion of Europe (Greek, Roman, Crusades, colonialism in the 16th century -17) gradually from the heart of the continent has grown and the power to destroy the movement (Turcmen - Seldjuc, Mongol, Timurid, Osman. etc ...) to change the progress of history.
On the map of Asia is now close to 50 independent countries. The countries that belong to political and social systems different levels of economic development vary, with different ways diplomatic.
-19 18th century, Asia completely left behind in economic development and social comparison with Western countries. But the 20th century, this continent has proved its vitality. Japan and South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, and China in recent years has developed a speed surge. Mog continental reserves of myths about natural resources.